Sold the first night of the Storytelling Knights Exhibit at MCA's Brick Gallery, Ocala, Florida, January 2025.
At first the spaceship landing on our lawn was scary, but then we met the owners of the craft, the DWTBKJ family. They’re from a planet called D-5 on the far end of the Milky Way. When they came down the steps of their spaceship my Mom and Dad ran up to them and said “Welcome!”
My parents always tell me to do the right thing, especially when no one is looking. But lots of people were looking that day. Our family became famous just for being nice to space aliens, especially when my parents helped them buy the house next door. (There are lots of stories about us online, and some aren't very nice).
I’m Jack Henry and I’m 6 years old. This picture shows me having lunch with my new friends, the DWTBKJ’s. They had to leave their planet, D-5, in a hurry because it became smothered by sulfur, which is super dangerous. The DWTBKJ’s have green skin, which makes people stare at them, but not me. I like them because they’re interesting and they’re nice. Mrs. DWTBKJ is always laughing, and Mr. DWTBKJ loves to mow the lawn. My Dad showed him how to do it, and now they’re best friends.
The kids, a boy and a girl, stare at me a lot, but they never make fun of me. I’m teaching them English and they’re teaching me how to levitate. The DWTBKJ’s have lots of pets (most of them look like giant bugs) and they’re allowed on the kitchen table! Also, the DWTBKJ’s are vegan. (I learned this when I brought Easter eggs for lunch). They served me the food they brought from their home planet—green round things that look like huge peas. I tasted it and it wasn’t gross even though I hate peas. Mrs. DWTBKJ said it was the only food that would grow on their planet after sulfur overtook the environment. Even though she calls it Apocalypse Chow, she said it reminds her of home. She looks a little sad when she's thinking about her planet. She’d rather be there, I think, but she and her family are finally safe, and that's what matters.
Scientists estimate there could be 60 billion planets in the Milky Way capable of supporting life. I’m sorry the DWTBKJ’s had to leave their theirs but I’m glad they’re living on mine.
Price | $0.00 |
Dimensions | 18 x 24 x 1.5 H x W x D (in) |
Weight | 0 (lbs) |
Creation Date | September 2024 |
Subject Figures |
Style Surrealism |
Medium Oil |
Substrate Canvas |
Signed Hang Ready | |