When half-truths and conspiracies slip into the mind and take root, real life morphs into the actual thing originally feared. All reason flies away as complacency (the dog with a bone, the squirrel eating money) disregards the consequences; as long as they have what they need, what's the problem, as freedoms fly away. The perpetrators of conspiracies, represented by the "grand dragon" who turns his back on everyone and the sentry cat that keeps guard over the new status quo, have what they want...a new society that bends to their whims.
Price | $499.00 |
Dimensions | 18 x 24 x 1.75 H x W x D (in) |
Weight | 2.5 (lbs) |
Creation Date | June 2023 |
Subject Landscape |
Style Surrealism |
Medium Oil |
Substrate Canvas |
Signed Hang Ready | |